Space Shuttle, which maneuver frequently after reaching orbit. 'The satellite database is updated regularly but may not reflect the current position of satellites, such as the U.S.
#Fourmilab ch earthview satellite html full size
Click the image to see a full size version. United Launch Alliance Atlas V / SES-20 and SES-21 Launch. photographic evidence from space to show the shape of the Earth: Next Satellite photographs, taken from: Index. You can pick a satellite that is in the Earth's orbit to view the earth.

#Fourmilab ch earthview satellite html pro
With thanks to my SkySafari Pro astronomy app, I put together the above graph which shows you have a ten minute window from 11.30 pm AEST (12.30 pm AEDT 15 November for NSW, ACT, Victoria and Tasmanian residents) to take your picture. You can pick a satellite that is in the Earths orbit to view the earth.

Click the image to see a full size version. This site allows users to view the earth and moon, and daylight and night regions, from a wide range of viewpoints. Get that wrong and you will have to wait until November 2034 to take the picture. Some applications of remote sensing include imaging the Earths surface (see above), environmental monitoring, military intelligence, weather prediction. (Posted 14 November 2016) Want ‘bragging rights’ about having a photo of the ‘largest’ Full Moon since 1948? You had better make sure you know when the Moon is closest to the Earth tonight. The science of remote sensing can be used to image objects from space, air, or distant locations when on-site inspection is impractical or the object being sensed is invisible to the naked eye.